歌手 : Björk 碧玉
專輯 : Homogenic 雌雄同體
發行年代 : 1997
國家 : 冰島
說到碧玉 , 大概離不開她那特立獨行的風格 , 最近一次的驚人之舉就是在上海表演時公開支持西藏獨立 。(我沒有任何政治立場喔)
Jóga 這首歌的歌名我原以為只是單純的一個單字, 於是就傻傻跑去查字典, 結果真有這個詞 ( 這不是廢話嗎 ), 只是 " Jóga " 在英文裡的意思就是 " Yoga " ......... 想了半天覺得很怪 , Björk 是想跟我們開玩笑嗎? 沒事用瑜珈來當歌名是想怎樣。
後來我發現 , 維基百科真是個好東西 ( 強調,是英文版的 ) 裡面居然寫了許多歌曲的介紹 , 不過這也是因為她很有名 , 所以才有那麼多資料吧!
回到 Jóga , 這首歌其實是獻給她的摯友 Jóhanna Jóhannsdóttir , 及他們的祖國 , 冰島 ; 剛好Jóhanna 的綽號叫做 Jóga , 於是這首歌才會定名為 " Jóga " 。特別的是 , 歌曲中混入了岩漿滾滾的節奏 , MV 裡則可以看到冰島的風景 ; 高山. 河川 . 苔原 . 火山 , 一切進收眼底 , 不同於她先前的MV ( 1997以前 ) , Jóga 展現了冰島的風貌。我再次看到冰島風情的MV是她2004年發行的<< Medúlla / 精隨>> 中, 一首很可愛的歌曲 " Who Is It " 。( 我喜歡 )
碧玉操著一口我很難懂的歐式英語 , 老姊第一次聽她的專輯時,還一度以為她唱的是冰島語 .....( 我也曾懷疑過 )今天看了歌詞 , 終於恍然大悟 ...... 不過我聽力很---差也是個事實啦 。
'' Emotional landscapes , they puzzle me ." 要我住冰島, 也會有這種感想吧 。但它還是有吸引人的地方, 除了冷以外 : )
All these accidents,
That happen,
Follow the dot,
Makes sense,
Only with you,
You don't have to speak,
I feel.
Emotional landscapes,
They puzzle me,
Then the riddle gets solved,
And you push me up to this
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
State of emergency,
Is where I want to be.
Emotional landscapes,
They puzzle me - confuse,
Then the riddle gets solved,
And you push me up to this
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
State of emergency,
Is where I want to be.
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
Emotional landscapes,
They puzzle me,
Then the riddle gets solved,
And you push me up to this
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
State of emergency,
Is where I want to be.
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
State of emergency,
State of, state of,
How beautiful,
Is where I want to be.
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be,
State of emergency,
Is where I want to be.
State of emergency,
How beautiful to be.
- Jul 29 Tue 2008 23:44
餵眼睛 :: Jóga (by Bjork)