Oh~~ 天吶~ 看來型男 Rico 專輯發行亞洲版或是順利飛到我手上的機率是大大提高啦 !!! Yes! Yes ! ( 莫名奇妙自 high 了起來 ) " Neon Light " 更是登上香港電台的冠軍寶座 !!! 在香港,ㄧ個知名度可能不及Lady Gaga 的菲律賓歌手居然能擊敗眾多" 紅星 " ,阿吉真是與有榮焉啊 !! 菲律賓離台灣這麼近,也趕快讓台灣的捧由認識你吧 !!!
以下是原文 :
Rico Blanco Debuts at No. 1 in Hong Kong
Rico Blanco's song "Neon Lights" from his album "Your Universe" ( 此指新加坡版專輯 ) has debuted at No. 1 in Hong Kong's top radio chart.
Beating no less than giant international artists such as Usher and will.i.am, Lady Gaga and Beyonce, Wonder Girls, Christina Aguilera, and Justin Bieber and Ludacris, “Neon Lights” makes its way to the top within a week from its release in Music Bus Hong Kong.
Although it has been close to a tradition that Warner Music Philippines has broken its artists into the international scene, no Filipino artist has ever topped the Hong Kong Music Bus Airplay Charts until the single "Neon Lights."
More, Blanco just finished a successful promo tour in Singapore, where Class95 FM also celebrated his birthday, playing a special birthday greeting by the biggest radio DJs every hour for 24-hours on Singapore radio that day.
"Your Universe," Rico Blanco’s debut album, is released by Warner Music
雖然貼過了,但還是想放一下~ 這是到新加坡開小型演唱會時的表演
台灣在等你喔~ 型男 Rico !