樂團 : Bamboo
專輯 : Tomorrow Becomes Yesterday
發行年代 : 2008
國家 : 菲律賓
Bamboo 組於2003年 , 發行的四張專輯張張白金級以上 ..... 受歡迎之程度可見一班 , 尤其最新專輯 << Tomorrow Become Yesterday >> 在發行兩天後便衝到白金唱片 !! Bamboo 團名同樣也是主唱的名字 ( 那位頭髮總是長不長的超雙眼皮男 ) 。 在早先他是 Rivermaya 的創團人之一兼主唱 , 1998年離開 Rivermaya , 到美國求學 , 回菲國之後便組了這樂團 。某天看到一個八卦 , 說Bamboo 曾試圖要回 Rivermaya , 不過遭到型男 Rico 的拒絕 , 也說創團人之一的Bass手Nathan Azarcon ( 現任Bamboo 貝斯手 ) 離開Rivermaya的原因便是此 , 不過這一切都只是八卦 , 現在也不至於影響我對某男的崇拜。
說實在的 , 如果RM 到現在主唱還是他 , 我或許就不會有那段狂熱的日子 ......... 而且我比較喜歡型男 Rico 的聲音 , Bamboo的嗓音有種說不出的感覺 , 娘嗎 ? 我也不知道 ..... 就是有特色吧。出自於好奇便點了這支 MV 來看 , 發現Bamboo 雖然唱腔有些許怪異 , 但現在聽起來還算有味道說 ( 聽不懂的Bamboo 式唱法 )。" Last Days On A Cruise Ship " 是專輯<< Tomorrow Become Yesterday >> 的第二支單曲 , 除了開頭的前奏讓我不太喜愛 ( Bamboo 式編曲 ) 這是首好聽的歌呢 ! MV 的超級飽和畫面以及神秘色調也讓我非常喜愛
歌詞 :
Just give me a li'l more time
So I can just relax and lay down
On some beautiful real estate
The kind that money can't find
She burns so bright
She burns so bright
Knocking on my door
No don't you worry
I got this all under control
If things get tight
We can call the whole things off
Better run she's gonna waste you
Better check your temperature
Follow the beat go faster and faster and faster
No one break from the formation no I won't run I won't run
Finally my sins are forgiven don't change the channel straight to battle
No one break from the formation stand your ground stand your ground
When you're this close to the sun now's not the time to run
Don't wait for tomorrow
Now I see you're trying that Jedi mind shit on me
But I apologize I just ain't that kind of guy
Let me get you a name of someone else
He'll get back to you with a courteous reply
But it's been too long too long
I'll burn first before it's long gone long gone
Don't you worry bout me
He wrote a letter saying for all that's he's done wrong
Me the perpetrator red handed middle finger on the trigger
Sold on the idea that bigger was better
Whatever it took sell your soul better go
Cuz I'm not here to play no part
This boy's a fighter all star all souls
This boy's tle clear winner
Ready to fire ready to go
Don't wait for tomorrow