
Archipelago Travel Advisory.jpg
樂團 : Archipelago
專輯 : Travel Advisory
發行年代 :  Sept  2009 
國家 : 菲律賓

感謝自己終於把存放一年的 Arch1pelago 從草稿堆裡挖出來......... 

Archipelago 是一支菲律賓新興樂團;樂團新不等於團員新,其實主唱 Yan Yuzon 和鼓手 Wendell Garcia 分別是酷酷樂團 Pupil 裡的吉他手與鼓手喔 ~ 這就是我所熟悉的菲律賓搖滾,一個樂手有好幾個團真的不稀奇,從這裡再次看出菲律賓人對玩音樂的熱誠很高。對主唱 Yan 的第一印象就是他在 Pupil 的 
Disconnection Notice 裡實在帥爆了的吉他 solo ( 看MV 會發現居然只有主唱沒有耍酷..... ),然後他的弟弟也在玩音樂,但我實在沒想到就是那個長像很情歌偶像的 Sponge Cola 主唱 ! 還是哥哥的聲音我比較喜歡...... 

之前要放的 MV 是他們的第二支單曲,
May 1。經過一年,他們拍了第四支 MV " Gaan " ,是在美麗泰國拍的,當下看到那畫面很感動,也感觸很深.......淚奔.gif  
歌名有 " 輕. 輕鬆 " 的涵意,其實我聽起來有些黯然,但這旋律很棒 ~ 




Wendell Garcia ( drums )
Yan Yuzon ( vox )
Pat Tirano ( guitars ) 同時是樂團 "Monkeyspank" 的吉他手
Chad Rialp ( Bass ) 同時是樂團 " liquid jane " 的主唱兼 Bass 手

Arch1pelago 這個樂團是由三個樂團的樂手們在2008年初組成的樂團,將團名取為 Archipelago ( 群島) 是因為四位成員皆生長在菲律賓這個群島上,追究團名的意義,最初這是團員們的一種愛國精神,。組團一年後他們拍了第一支MV : " MRI ",然後完成72場表演與高度評價的他們,終於在2009年的九月發行了第一張專輯 << Travel Advisory >> 。因為團員們原先所處的樂團風格都不太一樣,使得 Arch1pelago 的樂風多元,融合grunge, trip-hop, alternative, blues rock 等元素。同時,他們也入圍了 2009 年由馬來西亞所辦的 Asia Voice Independent Music Awards ,首支單曲 " MRI " 分別入圍了 " 最佳搖滾歌曲 " 與 " 抑鬱歌曲最高傑作 " ( 不知在亂翻什麼....... ),而 " MRI " 的MV則是入圍了  " Most Mind-Blowing Music Video  " ( 這些獎項名稱真是奇妙...... ) 

這就是 MRI 的 MV ,歌詞雖然不太懂,但是看得出來還不錯憂鬱....... 


Slo-mo is always out of reach
I've been waiting on the shore
They slide you down a hole
It's as narrow as your soul
Now if you were really strong
Would you hold on—
Or prepare to leave? 

Oh, Youth
You're wasted on the young!
Time, as you know
It never finds its way back home
Moments may be gone
Moments spent alone
Were you there with me or not?
Is it early to tell—
Or did you just pass me by? 

Slo-mo—I wait in vain for you
Lightbulb takes photographs of you
And it makes you seek the truth
(They slide you down a hole)
And it makes it pretty hard
(It's as narrow as your soul)
Will I ever walk again?
Or will you come around—
And see me smile?

Say goodbye.

第三支 MV 叫做 " Black Box " ...... 挖哩.......... 分別在曼谷, 紐約及馬尼拉拍攝


I was on a plane just yesterday 
You were busy waiting for a call 

I was crashing in a sea of blue
Then I knew that I was there with you

Hold my hand
No matter where I land
And never let me go 

I was on a train just the other day
Couldn't help but complain - (yeah)
I was sooting down in a ball of fire 

I will always watch you from afar 

I will always watch you







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